
Prabha Atre

Prabha Atre (born 13 September 1932) is an Indian classical vocalist. Her music training was in the Guru-shishya tradition. She learnt classical music initially from Vijay Karandikar. She then learnt from Sureshbabu Mane and Hirabai Badodekar from the Kirana school for advanced training. She acknowledges the influence of two other greats, Ustad Amir Khan and Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, on her gayaki.

Dr. Atre's sincerity to her art and sensitivity to the times clearly surface in her thinking and singing. Whether Khayaal, Taraana, Thumri, Daadra, Ghazal or Bhajan, she has a distinct style and typical ingenuity in design and presentation. Indeed, her pleasant and dignified presence on stage, her chaste and creative approach, her imaginative play with subtleties of tones and dynamics, her effortless control over intricate yet appealing phrases in aalaap, taan and sargam, her precise articulation of words and stirring portrayal of the emotional themes, all these make her music a singularly satisfying experience.

